Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Glen Andrew Learns About the Fieldgate Project

Glen Andrew Learns About the Fieldgate Project

Really good community meeting
for Glen Andrew Community
residents last night.

Over 50 people came out to hear
Mr. Craig Cal present plans for the redevelopment of the north
east corner of Progress
Avenue and Consilium Place.

Craig is a Scarborough guy. He's working for Urban strategies Inc, planning consultants for the owner, Fieldgate. Really great to have a professional who knows the area come out and show us their plans. This is a massive project with over 2,200 apartments and townhouses which will take years for approvals marketing and construction. Plans include new streets, pedestrian paths and a new public park as well as street front commercial along Consilium Place.

Missed the meeting? Want to learn more about Fieldgate’s plans?

 All of the plans and studies prepared by the applicant are on file with the City Planners in our Civic Centre. If you want to look through any of these you can call our City Planner, Kelly Dynes at 416-396-4250 or email her at Kelly.dynes@toronto .ca to make an appointment.

 All the studies and plans are available on line at the City Planning web site. Go to

Select the blue text which reads “Application Information Centre

Click on the blue box which reads “Application Information Centre

A new page will come up with a map of Toronto on the right hand side. On the left side click on “Scarborough” under City District….under Ward click on “Ward 38”…and then click on “Search”.

 Up will come a bunch of blue pins on the map and you can zoom in on our Scarborough Centre and click on the pin on the north east corner of Progress and Consilium Place…670 Progress… and a box will appear.

Click on “Learn More

Another box will appear with a title “Supporting Documentation”. Click on that and up comes a list of all the studies submitted by the applicant.

 The Planning Rationale contains all of the graphics which Craig used last night to present their proposal.

 You can download any-all of these as PDF’s to read or save as you wish.

 You may leave your comments with City Planning by clicking on the box with the speech bubble and pen near the bottom of this page.

 If you want to learn more about any of the applications in Ward 38 just back up one step to the map with the blue pins and click on another one.

 This and other proposals like the one for the old Simpsons stamping plant lands and our proposed city park/school just to the east at 705 Progress, and Mr. Goldman’s plans for the grassy field just north of the McCowan SRT Station will change the face of our Centre east of McCowan. Glen Andrew is committed to working with our Councillors, our Staff and the applicants to make sure these are the very best we can achieve for our Scarborough Centre.

Iain McLeod,

President, Glen Andrew Community Association.                                                             March 27, 2018.